Saturday, August 22, I stayed in bed all morning turning, twisting, trying to turn to the natural remedies I knew to rid of the feeling; nothing was working. I was increasingly queasy as the hour passedcand I just knew something was off. JD had to be in College Station for work that morning but offered to stop by to pick me up on the way back to his office, for me to go see my acupuncturist in League City. I was desperate for relief. I mustered up any little energy I had, got dressed and made an appointment.
The first thing she asked as I walked into the clinic was, "have you taken a pregnancy test yet?" while feeling my pulse. She said the strength was very different from what she's used to palpating, and called the shots- "you're pregnant. Take a test after you leave here and keep me updated." She did the session with me to ease my dizziness and nausea (being careful since she truly believed I was pregnant). As soon as I left her clinic I stopped at kroger, bought a 2-pack pregnancy test, grabbed tofu fried rice (the only thing that gave me a little appetite) from a local Thai joint, and we headed back home to Magnolia.
It took no more than a second for the test line to appear. I felt my heart sink to my ass. Initially, I thought the faded second line to appear was the test line so I told myself, "I need to take another one in a few days. The line is super faded." Come to find out, I was so pregnant (high HCG levels) that the test line was stealing the dye from the control line. My second test 3 days later, the control line was not even existent.
While I attempted to break down my feelings, I yelled for JD to come in the bathroom. Surprised, shocked, nervous, and happy. Yes, happy. Happy to know that even at this age, I was able to conceive. Not anywhere ready but it happened. And it's happening. HAHA.
We saw my mom standing outside so we went ahead and called her in to show her our test. Hugs were exchanged and the glow in her face almost lit up our dimly lit (I was so sensitive to light) kitchen. I begged she not share the news to anyone just yet... BUT that secret lasted for 2 days. Word got around quick.